Monday, November 29, 2010


My favorite place has to be Kelowna.  A year ago, I went to Kelowna with my friends for two days trip. It took 4 hours driving from Vancouver to there. It was very strange that we experienced 3 weather conditions, first, when we just drove out Vancouver, the weather was really good, sunshine with cloud. After half hour,   it was raining so heavy. But, when we got peak level of the mountain, the huge snowflakes drift down from the sky.

After 4hours driving, finally, we reached Kelowna.  The most impressive is that the William R Bennett Bridge across the river and connect the east and west city.  The bridge seems like just put on the surface of the river. Inside the city, there are lots of Vineyards all over the side of city. Those Vineyards accompanied the beautiful house along the lake.

We chose one Vineyard at the top of mountain. The yard have a dining area at the side of mountain, from that point, we can see all the city and lake.  At another side, there have a red wine shop which displays a variety of red wine and red wine components.

For me, it was like heaven, such beautiful place with good meal and view

Monday, November 22, 2010


i remember i just came to canada, i curious about everthing here.  everthing is so organized。 cars parked in straght line, water so clean,  air so fresh, animal walking on the street. unlike my city. the city in the forest, a few people walking on the street. that is frirt impresion.  i oftentenly compare the situation here with my hometown in my mind. even right now, i still try to feel how they make it happen that such developed economic system with such good orgnizetion and controlling.  it is trully impressed me.  so, there have to be something diefferent than my society.

once i went to seattle apply for canadian visa, i was called in to a small room, the officer question me.  he asked me to show my registrtion of school, i could not show to her, because at that time was june, we have not resgistred for fall semester.  and i smiled with helpless feeling. she was angry with me and told me that i was not honest because i laughed. -------if something important and serious should i not smile.

helpless smile.

in my society, when we go to restraunt , usually, we take a seat first and then call the waitress when the restruant is not full. unlike my hometown, the customer will wait the waitress to arrange the seats no matter the restraunt is full or not.

usually in my society, when firends meeting. one person will pay for a group people when they have meal togher, 

once i went swim at sport complex. they will get change avoid people to see it.  but, in my society, we have public sunna, all the people will naked there----LOL

people here they would say " i like you , i love you" every day.  in my country, even he likes her, he would not say it everyday, they may just thinking in his mind.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Effect Coming to Canada Had on Me

Many situations changed after i came to Canada.  many effects  had on me. One of those situations occurs that i began to stay alone and  i was never ever left my parants; as a result, i always mass up my room and feel lonely. In addition, i became speachless because lack of cummunicate with family at the beganning . Furthermore, busy school schedules cause me have not proper condition to have meals. It is hard to spend time with a friend when i was busy with school, work, and other responsibilities. Eventually, in these situations, i reliazed that i have to make more friends and arrange my schedule properly , then i have more time to relax mentally and phsically. I gradually adapted to life in Canada, and gradually like the food and people, I like the scenery here.  I realized that living conditions are very simple and comfortable in here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Different LIfe in Canada and China

Because of the different culture in China and Canada, the people's life also has difference. 

       I was born in Chengdu, the Capital of Cat, and the eating is the favourite thing for us. I can have 5 meals in each day, the breakfast, the lunch, the afternoon tea, the dinner, the  midnight snack. In my hometown, the delicious food is so famous in the whole country. When I have some free time, I would like to ask my friends to have meal together. We can eating and chatting for several hours. 

However, my life has the huge change after I came to Canada. There is not many kinds of delicious food, but there are some good view in Canada. Therefor, I change my habit to travelling. When I have free time, I always ask my friends to travel as a group. These trip make me have much more interesting experience. 


Thursday, November 4, 2010

ladies and geltmen

1,   actually, most my best friends i met in canada.  what a pity .i do not have many friends in china, because i changed my shool so frenqently, it was not enought time for me to get know  very well of them.  i may just warm up with them, and then i transfered to another school.  but in mind i still consider as some of them of my best friends , because they give me very strong impersion.   Hua ge, he is innocent and silly guy,  we were take care of each other when we parpering our national exami.  that was the most hard time

2,fat boy frank.   he is 320ponds. very big with very soft personality.first saw him, that was my first time saw such a big guy.  he is so nice to treat any one.  like hassan(kite runner).